Experiencing Amma’s Embrace

Last year when friends asked if I wanted to accompany them to receive an embrace from Amma, I politely declined, thinking “that’s pretty far out there even for me!”

A year passed, our friendship deepened, and they asked again. This time my ego thought “I’ll go and be supportive; I’ll hug the dear, sweet woman for all the joy and love she brings others – and I’ll be able to buy those mala beads I can’t find anywhere else!”

Btw – it doesn’t cost a dime. Amma’s international organization (amma.org) which donates millions of dollars to charities – I suspect annually – invites and welcomes EVERYONE to receive her embrace for free.

Amma’s accomplishments are hugely inspiring: she’s helped countless people, directly and indirectly – all SELFLESSLY. THAT, my friends, is evidence of the power of yoga – yes, Amma teaches yoga!! God, I can’t wait to learn more about HER yoga (though I suspect it’s her interpretation of Patanjali’s yoga)!

Yes, a year ago I was a skeptic, but that was before witnessing this 64 year old, somewhat physically infirm woman (I suspect from thirty years of literally sitting and consciously hugging millions of people from sun up ‘til sun down – never turning a soul away, and without taking a break!!).

During the embrace which seemed to last the better part of a minute in my case, I felt as if nothing existed other than the hug itself – and believe me, I didn’t want to let go!!

At the end, she whispers something to you – not in a language that you’ve necessarily heard before – but one you understand on an intuitive level. It’s a deeply personal, internal type of experience.

I completely understand the adulation, love, honor, and respect that her followers and devotees have for her – and to a person – and there were 5 busloads full of volunteers helping, facilitating the event – they were each exactly as you’d expect: lovingly respectful. There were probably 1,000 people there (Radisson in Manchester, NH) waiting to be embraced, or shopping the Indian food and wares for sale that help support Amma’s efforts (I bought six beautiful, handmade sets of rosewood prayer beads for $12 each!)

My speculation: in the same way that some of us are born with or predisposed to certain physical and mental attributes (strong or weak; tall or short; blonde or brunette; sighted or blind), like an Olympic athlete in her event: spreading love, Amma seems to have been born predisposed in such a way that consciousness shines much more readily through her than the rest of us!

My favorite tee shirt of the day sums up Amma’s message:


God bless Amma and all of us. Allan

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