You know that sense you get when something just doesn’t feel right?

That’s evidence of your sub-conscious mind trying to communicate with your conscious mind in the only way it knows how: with images and sensations – not words.

Remember Lennie from Steinbeck’s “Of Mice and Men”? Our sub-conscious mind is a lot like Lenny: big, strong, devoted, hard-working – but not a lot happening upstairs.

George, on the other hand, Lennie’s friend and guardian, was the brains of the outfit.

George and Lennie are a wonderful analogy of our conscious, and sub-conscious mind, respectively.

The trick to peace of mind is finding a practical balance between being George and being Lenny…

…and most importantly, realizing that without energy you wouldn’t be alive, and without awareness – even if you were, you wouldn’t realize it!!

I can help the people you love who seem out of touch, lost or disconnected. It’s amazing what a little help can do!

Thank you, Allan (“Skip”) Dowds

September class schedule