
I just heard the saddest thing. A friend told me that even if she could come back again after she dies, she doesn’t want to.

She’s not suicidal; far from it. She believes in reincarnation – she just doesn’t want to come back here!

Life is sacred.

My heart weeps for anyone who’s “so done with this life” – even more so for my friend because she embodies the yogic concepts of mindfulness and service, making her among the most blessed among us!

Life IS suffering. I get it. Buddha said it. Patanjali said it. We know it intuitively if for no other reason than that everything (including our self) dies! BUT life is as miraculous as it is sorrowful and fleeting! HOW can we not all see that?!

Holiday Rx

If someone you love is having hard time particularly during the holidays, or they’re just “so done with it all”, here’s a yogic RX (yes, get a little exercise, watch what you eat and all the rest of the things we all know, but sprinkle in a little of this):

community service + religious service + meditation

Draw serenity, courage, strength and faith from within YOURSELF! Harness the life-altering power of meditation!

God bless. May you smile more than you frown especially at this time of year!