We’re subject to three types of karma, or consequences:

  • Directly as a consequence of our own behavior;
  • Indirectly as a consequence of someone else’s behavior; and
  • Indirectly as a consequence of natural events (e.g., our DNA, tornados).

In other words, most of what happens to us is beyond our control; however, we CAN affect our own behavior (e.g., start new habits; break old ones) thus influencing our state of mind.

According to Patanjali, ignorance* gives rise to the fears and desires that fuel our thoughts and drive our behavior.

[* the inability to distinguish between mind and consciousness: thought and the awareness thereof.]


Patanjali’s Raja Yoga is sometimes referred to as Karma or Kriya (action) Yoga because it’s practiced to affect our own actions and reactions to the events of our lives – purposely to affect better outcomes for all.

Patanjali’s path to lasting universal peace:

  • Overcome ignorance to
  • Mitigate fear, desire and ego, to
  • Influence thoughts and behavior, to
  • Reduce universal suffering (ours, others, and environmental).

Influence what happens between your ears to affect the quality of your life and the world around you.

Meditate! Exercise for the inside of us.

Blessings, Skip (aka Allan)