This book by Christopher Willard & Amy Saltzman practically jumped off the library shelf at me yesterday. ❤


Step 2 of 3 anyway!

[Have you taken a yoga class in the past 20 years? You’ve taken Step #1.]

So many awesome quotes….

Kabat Zinn, 2011: “Mindfulness is paying attention without judgment in the present moment.” ❤

.…and exercises (from page 2):

Place one finger on the center of your forehead, close your eyes, and simply place your attention on the sensations.

  • Notice what your forehead feels like against your finger…..

  • Notice what your finger feels like against your forehead…..

  • Bring awareness to the sensations…..

  • Notice temperature…..

  • Texture…..

  • Pressure…..

  • Moisture…..

  • Can you feel your pulse?

  • Stay with this for a moment; when your mind wanders, just notice that and bring your attention gently back to the sensation of your finger on your forehead.

  • And then open your eyes and notice how you feel.



They’ve adopted Patanjali’s concentration and meditation exercises to help children! The book has contributions and support from dozens of well-respected academic and mental health professionals!

link to first 50 pages



So what’s the point of learning physical and mental self-awareness and control at any age?

Ultimately? To find and develop faith in your Self [with a capital “S”]


Patanjali’s advice? Never give up. Always let go.


The object is to identify with the aspect of you that sees through your eyes [rather than with your eyes]: your consciousness – the awareness OF your thoughts: the aspect of each of us that NEVER changes.

It requires a paradigm shift but when you “see” it for the first time it’ll blow your mind.

Part of us IS eternal.

It’s not a story.

THAT realization will change your life.


God bless.

Allan (Skip) Dowds, Raja Yogi