20 Minute Daily Routine


A rudimentary understanding of the anatomical and energetic aspects of your respiratory system (read: don’t try this without some initial instruction and supervision).


As with ALL pranayama exercises, tread deliberately and cautiously; allow your breathing to return to normal if you feel ANY degree of discomfort, jitters, etc.


Practice some version of this every day for the rest of your life, and you will smile more often than you’ll frown.


The Daily Routine: (up to 2-3x a day)[and btw – try to get at least 20 minutes of fresh air every day as well]:

Roughly 5 minutes – “Snow Globe”

Do your own “Shake It Up Baby” happy dance; after a few minutes, settle into a comfortable, seated position keeping your body upright and balanced.

Roughly 10 minutes – Pranayama

Pre-flight “check-in”:

How are you feeling generally? Bring awareness to your:

“maya kosha” markers:

  • heartbeat
  • breath
  • thoughts

“energy centers”:

  • perineum
  • genitals
  • stomach
  • chest
  • throat
  • brain
  • crown of your head

Remind yourself why you’re doing this:

Anatomically, you’re using your diaphragm as a bellows to rhythmically stimulate your internal organs and the flow of oxygenated blood throughout your body. Energetically, you’re stimulating those same organs and blood flow at a cellular level, facilitating the proper functioning of your body/mind at an elemental, or energetic level.

Abdominal breaths (your stomach distends on the inhalation) – repeat 5-6x: SLOW, DEEP inhalation; SLOW, DEEP exhalation.

Thoracic breaths (your chest lifts on the inhalation) – repeat 5-6x: SLOW, FULL inhalation; SLOW, FULL exhalation.

Alternate nostril breathing – begin with 3-4 cycles – or more as time permits (keeping the length of inhalation, retention and exhalation roughly the same; remember you’re looking for smooth consistent rhythm as you breathe); increasing 1-2 cycles daily as appropriate up to 40 cycles. [Note: eventually, you’ll just practice alternate nostril breathing].

Alternate nostril cycle =

  • close L; open R; inhale
  • close R; retain
  • open L; exhale, inhale
  • close L; retain
  • open R; exhale

Post-flight “check-in”:

Repeat the pre-flight check-in and observe any difference in your markers and energy centers; generally, you should feel more calm physically, energetically and mentally than before you started.

Roughly 5 minutes – Contemplation

Spend these few minutes contemplating consciousness.  Remember the “1+1=2” exercise: two things are happening simultaneously: thinking and consciousness of the thinking.  Perhaps the easiest way to recognize the distinction is to imagine what life might be like without one or the other: the ability to think, or consciousness. Without cognition, you’d be a vegetable – unable to process thoughts; without consciousness you’d be a robot – unaware of your own thoughts and actions! Remember, thoughts change constantly; consciousness never does.

Possible side effects: Weight loss (your appetite might wane), mild constipation, and peace of mind…and remember, practice makes perfect. 😉