Open Letter of Thanks Giving

This was my week to blog about teachers – a week before Thanksgiving. Coincidence?

I hope you have a chance among all the chaos and turmoil of the Thanksgiving holiday to quietly reflect on your life.

To truly give thanks – literally for every breath, let alone for the people who love and care about you.

Meditation is about developing a deeper, intimate relationship with ourselves and in the process, finding faith in the existence of God!

Meditation isn’t easy, but neither is suffering. There are shortcuts to feeling fulfilled and happy. Perhaps the easiest is simply to do something nice for someone else.

Want to feel even better? Do it again – and give thanks for being able to.

Givers gain. Happy Thanksgiving!

Allan (“Skip”) & Sue Dowds

Why Pray?

The Marblehead School of Raja Yoga

Yoga Instructors Association

8 Replies to “Open Letter of Thanks Giving”

  1. Skip, If it’s ok with you, I’d like to remain in your address book. While surgery is a future possibility for my back and it’s unlikely I’ll actively practice yoga in the near future, many of your posts are calming and helpful to me. Cheers, Linda D.

  2. Hello Allan,
    So wonderful to hear from you. You did it, you opened the studio, that is wonderful Allan. I am so happy for you.

    Have wonderful Thanksgiving my friend.

  3. I am happy to remain in your address book. Like church on Sunday you are my reminder to be grateful and to remember to take time for peace.

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