I highly suspect my daughter, who has an advanced degree in marketing, was being facetious, but it’s the truth of what I do:

I’m a spiritual guide.


Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras illuminate the path to nothing less than immortality – not of your body/mind obviously – but of YOU!

From an earlier FB post today:

If you’re aware of your body, you’re not your body.

If you’re aware of your thoughts, you’re not your thoughts.

What’s left?

The truly intangible, eternal and immutable consciousness without which your body/mind wouldn’t realize it was alive!!

Yes, Patanjali’s prehistoric 200-line masterpiece outlines a path to eternal bliss, explaining how to witness your own divine essence: consciousness.

I can help you better understand Patanjali’s  poem – hopefully enabling you to surpass me in my own spiritual quest!

God bless❤️🕉

$60 an hour for private tours; $15 for regularly scheduled trips

January meditation schedule