Raja Yoga = Self-Awareness + Self-Control

I’m aware that since my mom died three months ago I haven’t been practicing what I preach: peace of mind.

I AM quicker to anger. I AM drinking and smoking more – moderated somewhat by more exercise and meditation. Worse, I have to remind myself more often what’s really important.

Well-intended friends have offered hugs, practical advice, pseudo-counseling – even hypnosis – to help nullify my recent moodiness and impatience.

Here’s the thing: we ALL suffer, and clearly sometimes more than others. Suffering is a natural consequence of our ever-changing universe and body/mind.

No matter how enlightened we like to think we are, we all experience physical and mental pain and pleasure in equal measure. One of my teacher’s teachers – a Master Raja Yogi (think Buddha meets Hercules) physically collapsed when he received news that his daughter was missing and presumed dead in an earthquake.

At times it does take Herculean or godlike effort to subdue desire and emotion – which ignite thoughts – which trigger actions. But the fight is worth it because our behavior is what worries us most!

After 60 years of often desperate searching, I attest that NOTHING I’ve encountered comes close to relieving stress better than the combination of Raja Yoga and time.

If I live long enough, mom’s passing won’t be my last life-altering blow. My current short temper will subside and my already broken heart will mend again. In the meantime, to anyone I’ve been less than kind to of late, I’m sorry.

Namaste, Allan

August class schedule