I think it’s great to encourage men to honor both their yin and yang attributes but yoga and other Eastern mind/body disciplines train us to control our emotions rather than remaining vulnerable to them.

“Strength begets Freedom.

Freedom begets Peace.

Peace begets Tranquility.”


Strength over emotions is essential; they color our thoughts and precipitate our actions which account for 70% of what bothers us!!

“Watch your mind.

Guard your words.

Keep your Qi.”


That said, stuffing, ignoring or distracting ourselves from emotions isn’t a long term solution. The solution is a lifelong discipline of self-awareness and self-control.

“Every second. Every day.”


That includes daily physical and mental exercise, specifically meditation.

That’s where Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras come in!

Blessings, Skip ❤😊🕉

Raja Yoga – Qi Gong class schedule


My grandfather used to tell me not to worry about a bad haircut. It grows back!

Ever go to a dental or hairdressing school to get fixed up at lower, student-teacher rates?

It’s USUALLY a win-win-win: you get a hair cut or a tooth pulled and the good doctor or stylist gets a little better at his/her job – benefiting the next client or patient.

Same concept – only in this case, here’s how it works:

  • You win – you’ll leave class smiling – but it’ll cost you $10.
  • I win – I’ll be smiling – priceless!
  • My next student wins – by letting me work some of the kinks out on you, I’ll earn the next guy’s $15!




Namaste, Skip


Meditate – you can’t do it incorrectly [just more efficiently – that’s why I’m here]!!

$15 – scheduled group “meditation prep” classes

Current class schedule

  • Skype lessons
  • seminars
  • lectures
  • private lessons

Proud sponsor of Yoga Instructors Association (MA)



[Remember to engage your senses as part of the visualization experience!]

While seated meditating, work up to a rhythmic breath cycle: inhale – pause – exhale – pause, with each of the four quarters of the cycle lasting an equal four counts.

Here’s the visual:

Imagine you’re actually standing comfortably, boyantly in thigh-deep water as part of some luxurious spa treatment – as if you were bathing a newborn – but it’s happening to you:

Inhale – as water is being drawn up your cool back;

Pause – as the water pours gently over the top of your head;

Exhale – as water washes down the warm front of your body; and

Pause – as the water drops off the bottom of your torso back into the water below.

Meditate. It’s what’s good for you!


Join my teacher, Mylena Orrigi and me as we lead a wellness retreat in the pristine baths of Sirmione, Italy the first week of June!


Meditate – you can’t do it incorrectly [just more efficiently – that’s why I’m here]!!

$15 – scheduled group “meditation prep” classes

Current class schedule

  • Skype lessons
  • seminars
  • lectures
  • private lessons

Proud sponsor of Yoga Instructors Association (MA)



Our heart energy leads!

We  focus our heart energy either upward or downward.


To varying degrees, half of us are generally drawn downward towards the relatively heavy, dense, darker aspects of our self and life.

And to varying degrees, the other half of us are generally drawn upward towards the relatively light, bright, airy aspects of our self and life.

I took down the recent FB rants about the NRA’s tax exempt status. They were weighing me down.

Namaste. For better or worse, we’re all in this together.

Love, Skip


Meditate – you can’t do it incorrectly [just more efficiently – that’s why I’m here]!!

$15 – scheduled group “meditation prep” classes

Current class schedule

  • Skype lessons
  • seminars
  • lectures
  • private lessons

Proud sponsor of Yoga Instructors Association (MA)



For years I’ve seen our seven-chakra energy body simply as a quasi-physical aspect of our internal organs and systems [side note: it’s utterly fascinating the level to which we can manipulate this non-physical, essential aspect of ourselves!].

Today one of my QiGong teachers explained the chakra system from a different perspective: as the seven phases we pass thru from unconscious to conscious form. Paraphrasing:

We evolve (or not) through seven phases during life [corresponding with our chakras from the bottom up]:

  1. Elimination – necessary to exist
  2. Procreation – necessary to continue to exist
  3. Sustenance – corresponds with the basic “stuff” necessary to sustain life
  4. Love – the middle or heart chakra; from here we either live loving 1 thru 3, or (with 5) we ascend to 6 and 7
  5. Knowledge – comes from contemplation; necessary to unlock the higher levels of living consciously
  6. Awareness – comes from observation; we become aware of the existence of 7
  7. Presence – comes from meditation; the state of mindful consciousness; “You have form; it no longer has you.

I hope this resonates half as strongly within you as it does me. The trick to lessening suffering in our lives is to recognize it’s energetic, seasonal, and cyclical nature – and

go with the flow!


If you need help deciphering Patanjali’s map, call me – that’s why I’m here!

Blessings, Skip


Meditate – you can’t do it incorrectly [just more efficiently – that’s why I’m here]!!

$15 – scheduled group “meditation prep” classes

Current class schedule

  • Skype lessons
  • seminars
  • lectures
  • private lessons

Proud sponsor of Yoga Instructors Association (MA)



Yesterday I wrote about the five seasons of an uninterrupted life:

To everything there is a season.

We Sprout, Grow, Bud, Bloom and Whither

Everything – Everyone


That seasonal cyclicality (clearly evident in nature) is universally applicable, for example to marriage [keep in mind that most of us grow old, but not all of us grow up]:


SPROUT – this is the “oppositional” or Spring or “opposites attract!” phase in which……..[well you know] [note: this phase lasts one third as long as the next three equal phases, and half as long as the last phase];

GROW – this is the “interdependence” or Early Summer or “it takes two!” phase in which we begin to work together toward a common goal, typically procreation;

BUD – this is the “inter-consumption” or Late Summer or “thank you!” phase in which we begin to sincerely appreciate our partner on a deeper level;

BLOOM – this is the “inter transformation” or Fall or “you bring out the best in me!” phase in which we begin to celebrate the oppositional traits in our partner, and together we’re striving toward harmony and balance;

WHITHER – this is the “infinite divisibility” or Winter or “we live happily ever after!” phase while we remain in these bodies.

The concept is universal – just like my other favorite subject!!

Blessings, Skip

Meditate. It’s good for relationships!


Meditate – you can’t do it incorrectly [just more efficiently – that’s why I’m here]!!

$15 – scheduled group “meditation prep” classes

Current class schedule

  • Skype lessons
  • seminars
  • lectures
  • private lessons

Proud sponsor of Yoga Instructors Association (MA)






Qi Gong is based on the science and discipline of Raja Yoga.

Raja Yoga is prehistoric and east Indian. Somehow (the legends are wonderful) it migrated to China and inspired/influenced Qi Gong.

Raja Yoga proves the divine nature of consciousness by distinguishing between it and our various physical, energetic, and mental “layers”.

Qi Gong focuses on our energy vessels and channels, without which these magnificent body/minds don’t work!!

When we run out of energy – game over.


Qigong takes the practice of “exercising our energy layer” (yoga’s pranayama) and elevates it to an art form: consciously and purposefully gathering and purging – replenishing, refreshing, refilling – ourselves with the energy that sustains us!

Like the nurse lamented the other day (an age contemporary): “Why did they wait until the end of our lives to tell us this?!”

“This” being the Eastern concepts that reflect the underpinnings of our universe!!

Hugs, Skip


Meditate – you can’t do it incorrectly [just more efficiently – that’s why I’m here]!!

$15 – scheduled group “meditation prep” classes

Current class schedule

  • Skype lessons
  • seminars
  • lectures
  • private lessons

Proud sponsor of Yoga Instructors Association (MA)



THERE’S A SEASON FOR EVERYTHING (aka “Most of us grow old; not all of us grow up.”)

The picture captures the gist of this morning’s lecture about the cyclical, energetic nature of our universe and everything in it – including us.

The concepts are universal and multi-dimensional. I’d be very happy to unpack the info for the truly curious, but here’s the bottom line, in the normal course:

We’re like flowers:

we sprout, grow, bud, bloom and whither.


That self-awareness is both sobering and liberating!

Having trouble sleeping? Call me. I can help.

Hugs, Skip


Meditate – you can’t do it incorrectly [just more efficiently – that’s why I’m here]!!

$15 – scheduled group “meditation prep” classes

Current class schedule

  • Skype lessons
  • seminars
  • lectures
  • private lessons

Proud sponsor of Yoga Instructors Association (MA)



The Teacher Is Also The Student

It’s humbling yet inspiring to have a teacher “hold a mirror up” in front of me.

Yogis use the phrase “maya” koshas (“illusory” layers) to refer to our various physical, energetic and mental aspects – fully aware that they are inseparable and interconnected.

Unbeknownst to me [so much for my self-awareness!], I physically “stand back on my heels” (I lean backwards, albeit subtly): defensively.

Back to our interdependent layers, if I physically lean backwards, what might that say about me mentally and energetically?

Hints: I’m neither a good skier nor motorcyclist. In the fist case, I can’t get past the part of my mind that screams “Lean WHICH way?! DOWN that steep-ass hill?! Uh, No!” Same question on a bike: “Lean WHICH way?! TOWARDS the pavement blurring past underneath me?! Nope!”

Just this morning I told our daughter she’s world’s braver and tougher than me – though I didn’t realize at that moment there was physical proof!

I’m a chicken.


I did win a couple schoolyard scraps as a kid (something about having to wear pink glasses), but for the most part I kept to myself and took any chance (no matter how embarrassing – sigh) to Casper.

Some sixty years later, a lifetime of unvented fears & desires still keep me back on my heels – but the good news is that I’m now aware of it.

Marching on (pun intended):



As one of my qigong (“energy work”) teachers reminded me this morning, sometimes the teacher is also the student.

God bless! Let me know if you’re having trouble sleeping – I can help!



Meditate – you can’t do it incorrectly [just more efficiently – that’s why I’m here]!!

$15 – scheduled group “meditation prep” classes

Current class schedule

  • Skype lessons
  • seminars
  • lectures
  • private lessons

Proud sponsor of Yoga Instructors Association (MA)


60 Year-Old White Guy

Why is a 60 year-old white guy from Boston jumping up & down and screaming about consciousness?

Because I just discovered mine two years ago.

Why did it take me so long (13 years of devout searching)?

Unlike Eastern cultures which revere and honor this aspect of each of us, here in the States I was raised to believe that if I couldn’t see, smell, hear, taste or touch something, it probably wasn’t “true” – and according to my grandfather (whom I love beyond measure) not worth wasting time on.

Sigh. I lived 58 years of my life with the light out. Please don’t do the same.

Ironically, it’s only through the Eastern practices of self-reflection and control that it’s possible to sense some things: to know them as “true” on an intuitional level MUCH deeper than thought. [I teach Raja Yoga and Medical Qigong].

Meditate. You can’t do it wrong, but it helps to have a teacher. That’s why I’m here.

God bless, Skip